
Christian Stewardship

Christian Stewardship is a way of life. Christian Stewardship is a response to three fundamental questions that a Christian must ask and answer as an individual. These three questions are: 1) What has been given to me? What gifts has God given to me?  2) What is expected of me? How does God want me to use my gifts and talents? 3) How do I respond? How can I grow and nurture others because of my gifts? The key word in Christian Stewardship is “SHARING” – to use responsibly the gifts God has given to me. The tri-fold manifestation of Christian Stewardship is found in the use of our TIME — TALENT — TREASURE.

Stewardship Prayer

Almighty Father, everything we are and everything we have comes from You.  You are the Giver of Life and the Source of our freedom. It is from Your hand that we have received all that we have and are and will be. Gracious and loving Father, You call us to be the stewards of your abundance, the caretakers of all your gifts to us. Help us always to use your gifts wisely.  Teach us to share them generously.  May our faithful stewardship bear witness to the love of Christ in our lives. We pray with grateful hearts, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Calling for Volunteers

You are Our Lady of Calvary Parish.  Your full and active participation in all aspects of our community enriches and enlivens our Parish.  We can always use new altar servers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, ushers, and members of music and other ministries.  We often need help with social concerns, projects and our annual parish festival.  If you are interested in sharing your time and talent with your parish, please call or email the parish office and we’ll point you in the right direction.